MS/HS 4.14.0 Memo

Dear MS/HS Parents:

This message will have two parts.  This is part 1 of 2. Beginning on Thursday, April 16th, MS/HS teachers will be pushing out coursework.  All secondary teachers are providing work electronically. Therefore, even if you have a device and internet at home, it still might be beneficial to have your child’s school chromebook sent home, as many of the platforms are bookmarked on that specific device.

For many of our students and parents, you may be “all set” at this point.  MS/HS teachers have contacted each parent in some capacity. During this call, we asked if you needed paper and pencil work to be provided.   Paper and pencil instructional materials are only being sent to those who have already indicated you want it. You can always request in the future by calling (231) 743-2486 extension 2.  Likewise, you can email a request at,, or

If you are expecting paper copies on Thursday, here’s our drop off plan:  Your materials will be available during lunch time (11:30-1 pm) and distributed to one of our five lunch drop off sites.

If you live in Sherman or Highland Township, your materials will be waiting at the Dighton Store.  If you live in Winterfield Township, your materials will be sent to Winterfield Township Hall. If you live in Redding Township, your materials will be sent to the Redding Township Hall.  If you live in Middle Branch Township, your materials will be sent to the Middle Branch Township Hall. If you live in the Village of Marion, your materials will be available at Marion Elementary.  

This process will take place every two weeks.  Distribution for homework and collection will be April 16th, April 30th, May 14th and May 28th.  Students will turn in what they have completed on those dates and pick up a new packet.

Once classwork is completed for paper/pencil students, they will turn it back into the bus driver who will distribute it to the high school office.

All Michigan Virtual, BYU, and Dual Enrollment classes must be complete in FULL, in order to earn your credit.

Each teacher will have office hours, which we will share, in order to maintain contact in case of questions or concerns.  These office hours offer several different forms of communication including, phone, email, google hangout, etc.

Guidelines for online meeting include, but are not limited too:  be aware of what you are projecting on your screen; recording and screen shots are prohibited; only MHS students in a teacher’s class may participate.

Thank you for your help in this important manner.   All homework questions should be emailed to the teacher of the specific course.   Here is a list of staff email addresses. Please indicate a good phone number to reach you back.

We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.