Announcements (10/1/20)
Good Morning! Today is Thursday, October 1, 2020 and here are today’s announcements:
Congratulations to the JH Football team for their 22-0 win over Suttons Bay!
It’s homecoming week! Please dress up for the theme of the day.
Today’s Homecoming trivia question is: "What U.S. city has the largest population and what is that population?" You can find the trivia answer sheet in your emails and your name will be entered into a drawing.
This Week’s Events Are:
Thursday, October 1, 2020
HOME away from HOME … Dress like MCC (Blue and Red)
After School Tutoring in Mrs. Grimm’s Room, 3:05 pm-4:00 pm
JH & Varsity Volleyball vs Mason County Eastern, Away 5:30 pm, bus time 3:20 pm
Friday, October 2, 2020
There’s no place like HOME … Maroon and White Day
Senior Ceremony, 5:15 - pm must wear masks
Homecoming Ceremony, 5:30 pm - must wear masks
Following the ceremony the stands will be cleared. You must have a ticket to attend the game.
Varsity Football vs Manistee Catholic Central, Home 7:00 pm
Saturday, October 3, 2020
JH & Varsity Cross Country Cecil Burch 1:00 pm, Bus Time 11:30 am
Have a Great Day!